Jack Stewart joined UCC in February of 2011 and oversees Media production, A/V equipment, Computer and technical maintenance, networks, and server maintenance for UCC.
His past positions have been wide and varied including: photography lab technician, IT manager, film production assistant and armorer, theater usher, catering manager, satellite telephone technician, corporate technical trainer, camp program director, bookstore clerk, inventory control specialist, and owner of his own computer consulting company.
Although it’s rumored that he was born with a soldering iron in hand, those rumors are patently false. He was 11 before he re-soldered his first Atari 2600.Jack is fluent in technical languages including such dialects as Windows, Apple, Linux, Geek, Nerd, Pop Culture, Trivia, and Internets.
Jack is a Fort Worth native, graduated from Paschal High School and attended TCU as a RTVF/History double major. He earned a Bachelors Degree in History from UTA in 2003. In addition he has a fundamental understanding of the Theological, Historical, and Biblical foundations of worship. He is a life-long Disciple and whose father and grandfather were DOC ministers, and whose great-grandfather who was a Baptist minister.
Jack is married to Dr. Amy Stewart, who teaches Vocal Jazz, Ear Training, and Rock History at TCU. They have a Shepherd mix named Bear. He enjoys cooking, camping, archery, and reading fiction and history in his spare time.
Feel free to drop by and discuss Vic 20’s, CP/M, Citizen Kane, TCP/IP, Firefly, 35mm film, Grumman F6F Hellcats, iPhones, 1080p, WWII tactics, or any number of other topics anytime.